quarterly magazines
quarterly magazines
The chittenden County movie & coupon guide 2013
This magazine gets distributed to 15-20,000 homes in Chittenden County (Charlotte, Shelburne, South Burlington, Williston and Essex). Printed in four color on heavy glossy stock, this piece of mail is something that won’t get thrown away. It is available at the Welcome Center, movie theaters, and hotels throughout Chittenden County. Residents that are tired of viewing Netflix or cable television will be able to see what movies are going to be showing at local theaters, what they are rated, information about who is starring in them and what they are about. Locals and visitors can cash in on big discounts to local eateries and find other discounts from local businesses. It’s a win - win situation.
802 - 380 - 4283
This magazine is produced by Vincnet DiToma of Burlington, Vermont, designed by
Joanne R. Staats / Visual Communications / URlife in Brookline, Vermont and printed by
Print Tech, Inc. in Burlington, Vermont. Now on sale in Simon’s Convenience Stores locally.
Click cover art to view inside of each publication.